Summer pretty much is the best

I know, I know, I’ve said it before. And about other places even… But this time it’s for real.
NY…. I think I’m falling for you. At least your non-polar-vortex, sunny-and-not-humid beautiful self.
Here is some of my past few weeks:
Food tour in Queens. Queens is said to be one of the most diverse places on the planet! And what does that mean? That the food is amazing! A friend and I met in Elmhurst and started with splitting a Vietnamese sandwich. And then had dumplings. And finished off the evening with Thai food. It was good. And I cannot wait to go back.
Yesterday, a friend and I met up for Summer Streets – which happens every August, for 3 consecutive Saturdays they shut down Park avenue from the Brooklyn Bridge up to 72nd for biking, running, rollerblading, walking and probably any other form of transportation you could imagine other than cars (and let’s face it folks, NY’ers can come up with a whole plethora of creative ways to get around). We got there for pretty much the last 2 hours of the last Saturday of the summer. Yep, last minute. (Can someone remind me to hit this up a little earlier next year?!) But it was pretty awesome. People out on the streets, views you don’t normally get walking around Grand Central, and a pretty cool art installation in the Park Avenue tunnel Yes to summer streets.

Cool art installation. People were suppose to be quiet because there were cool sounds playing. People don’t follow directions too well….

Coming out the other side of Grand Central. If we weren’t so late, we could have walked up to Central Park. Which we did anyway – just not in the middle of the street.
Today, I went with two friends down to Pier 5 in Brooklyn for Smorgasburg. Which is pretty much the most amazing thing ever. There are something like 30-gazillion food vendors – which is totally overwhelming in an fantastic way. I had a carnitas taco to start, an iced-coffee that rocked my world, and then a cemita that was awesome! We finished off our meal with some St. Louise style gooey cake. My friends had some sticky rice and an asian pancake. I wish I had pictures of some of the good — but, I ate it all.
Side note: I met up with two friends today. One of the friends said to the other two of us – ‘you two are so similar – you both like to eat a lot.’ Yes. Both are true. I do love to eat. and I do eat a lot.
But, it’s not just food that I love about NYC (ok, no lie – that is just about 80% of it). But I also love the women in chardor’s playing soccer with their kids in the park. And the huge drum circle that gathers every Sunday in the park. And the big Latino families gathering for picnics. And people wearing all sorts of outfits and/or doing whatever because – no body cares. Or maybe people do – but it doesn’t really matter. And it’s all the languages on the train that I hear. And all the people from all over who come here – and find each other. It’s the babies that represent all those backgrounds – looking like a mix of their parents, blurring the lines of boxes to check. It’s the live cumbia band that plays every Monday night, and salsa dancing outside on the Highline.
I know winter will come, and friends will move away (as will I) – but for now?
There is clearly more food to be had. And probably other adventures, hopefully they will all involve food. Just sayin’
This makes me hungry. What a great food adventure you are having.
Any time you want to come down…. the invite is open!
This is the Aurora who drew a picture of NYC fire escapes after one of her first trips to the city as a little girl! It’s in your blood and your roots, kiddo. I love that you get to explore and savor it as an adult!
Well, I had some pretty great tour guides….. 🙂
I am so jealous of that Thai food!! I miss it so bad! You are lucky to live in such an amazing, vibrant city. Glad you are living it up!
Thanks Sarah — there is some good food here – though your photos of the beach do make me pretty excited about visiting Mexico!
I had my very first fried dumplings in NYC 30 years ago; they’re the ones that all others since have been compared to since and, as of. Today, not been replicated. Feel the same way about San Francisco food, only throw in some of the healthiest take-out on the planet…quinoa and kale salad to die for! Who knew?
Though… sometimes I worry that the kale salad that is sooooo delicious – is not actually all that healthy for me! 🙂 Doesn’t stop me though….