That’s when the magic happens…
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl
Apr 26
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl
Sep 6
All of a sudden it was July 31st.
Which meant that I had been here for a year. Which meant that i made it through my first year of my new job. And my first year in NYC. And not just made it through, I had a ton of fun! I never would have guessed that I would like it this much.
'Wow, that's so brave', she remarked to me, after I told her I moved here only knowing one or two people. I chuckled to myself, thinking - 'oh, if only you knew!' I decided to not share all those times that I felt scared, felt less than courageous, in the last 10 months.
Dec 4
I am in Hampi now — after two overnight trains — one from Varkala to Bengalore and then one from Bengalore to Hospet (where I got a bus to Hampi). Hampi is an amazing spiritual landscape of ruins and huge boulders — seriously, a bouldering dream come true! Makes me want to climb!
I will have some awesome pictures to share with you all. I am totally exhausted though — I was really tired leaving Varkala as it was and then two overnight trains — suffice it to say that I did not get a whole lot of sleep. So today is not going to involve a ton of walking around in the sun (though hot, at least it is not as humid here!) — but I had a great lunch at a restaurant that I had to walk through a banana plantation to get to — and then sat on the ground overlooking the river. And I had to stop myself from ordering everything on the menu….
Anyway — as I mentioned – I had a really good time meeting strangers in Varkala – Rob and Norman in particular (though there was another good find there too! ;).
So — yesterday, when I arrived in Bengalore at 7 in the morning – I did not have a plan for the day other than catching my train at 10 at night. I read in my trusty lonely planet that there were two touristy areas — so I picked one and had the tuk-tuk driver drop me off. Of course nothing was open — not even coffee shops — and I had no clue where I was going. As I was walking down the street, I saw a foreigner and thought I would ask him if he knew where I was (all I needed was a point of reference and then I could work from there!). I asked him if he spoke English – and he replied – oh, a little. Just kidding, I am english!
Unfortunately, he was not able to give me a point of reference – as he was in Bengalore for work all of two weeks and he mostly had a driver to get to and from work…. So, while that was not helpful – we went and had a cup of coffee and talked for a bit (as foreigners are apt to do when they meet up traveling – the whole ‘what’s your name, where you from, where are you going’ thing). It turned out that he did not really have plans for the day – and neither did I — so he invited me back to his hotel to sit by the pool.
Now — disclaimer — I know how sketchy that sounds. I know that even more sketchy is I took a rinse off in his bathroom (overnight train — which by the way — somehow I ended up in AC! how cool is that? well… literally cool, i suppose!)
But – yes, I know it sounds super sketchy. And I had to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether I trusted the situation or not (which, is pretty much what I do on a daily basis with just about everyone/everything). Andy seemed fairly harmless (and andy, when you read this – i hope you get a good laugh out of this!) — and it did sound nice to sit poolside….
So, along I went — to a super nice hotel (i have a picture of poolside) and we sat in the sun and had delicious sandwiches and g-and-t’s. I did not swim as I had checked my bags at the train station — but it was nice to just hang out. and, i’ll be honest, nice to be pampered a little in a super nice hotel. We hung out for the day and then andy treated me to a super nice dinner before I headed to the train station. Thanks again Andy!
Funny enough — this story is dedicated to another Andy. I co-instructed a course this summer with the very fun and funny Andy Clair. And his feedback to me after the course (among other things — one of which was to pack lighter…. wish I had heeded his advice there!) – but he told me that I should be better at accepting (and asking) for help. And though I was not necessarily looking to be rescued yesterday by Andy (English andy), it was nice to accept his offer and trust/believe that it was all going to work out. Whereas, I could have said no, no — I am fine, I will do it on my own — and my day would have been very different (and would not have included a hot shower — first in weeks, g-and-t’s poolside and a super fancy dinner!).
So — here is to accepting help and opening oneself up to the kindness of strangers!
more from me soon — with pictures hopefully!
lots of love — aurora
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