Reflecting back, looking forward
this seems to be something i should be keeping in the forefront of my brain…..
May 20
this seems to be something i should be keeping in the forefront of my brain…..
May 13
The past week and a half has been pretty insane -- from arriving in NYC to going to Denver, CO for the Expeditionary Learning National Conference to arriving back in Northampton to see friends and return to work (I am subbing for an Assistant Principal at my old school).
May 10
My goal, this year, was to get by on $30/day (outside of my flights and insurance). I did really well for the first 5 or 6 months, and then things went downhill, or uphill…. or…. whatever direction — all I know is I spent more money!
May 1
I was feeling a little stuck on what to do with my time — not enough time to really go anywhere else, too rainy to go trekking. I did many of the local day hikes. What next? I read guidebooks, I looked through newspapers, asked people — but I felt a little stuck.
It rained all through the night. But at least it stopped for a bit when I got out of the tent in the morning. The mountains were not as fully obscured by clouds as they have been the day before. I quickly packed my sopping wet tent and had breakfast, which I finished just in time for everything to change.
Apr 18
Quick update on my plans in my remaining 12 days..... (EEK! how did this happen? why did this happen?! no......)
I woke up to the bus shuddering as the engine was killed. Everything was totally dark, except for a blinking yellow light outside from, what I would discover, was a construction truck. I overheard bus stewardess (not sure what else to call her) tell another passenger that there was a landslide. I closed my eyes figuring we would be moving on again soon.
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