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Posts from the ‘NYC’ Category

Glimpses of humanity

As I pushed through the turnstiles, I saw the last lights of the train disappearing into the tunnel, the letter too distant to read. Was it the express or the local? How quickly could I get to my next meeting? It was one of those days when I wished I had an office, having spent the morning going from Chelsea to Midtown and now I was off to Crown Heights in Brooklyn before meeting a friend in Chinatown later. My to-do list wasn't shrinking as the day went on and I was just wishing for a few hours of focused work, which wasn't about to come my way.

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Sometimes the push is worth it. This weekend, I headed out to Bushwick for the Open Studios art weekend.

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Live it like you mean it.

'Wow, that's so brave', she remarked to me, after I told her I moved here only knowing one or two people. I chuckled to myself, thinking - 'oh, if only you knew!' I decided to not share all those times that I felt scared, felt less than courageous, in the last 10 months.

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April 31

One year.

It's been a year since I flew out of Lima, back to NYC.

So many transitions and new starts this year, my head swirls as I think about all the new-ness.

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Living whole-hearted

As I approach the one year anniversary of coming back to the states, there is a swirl of emotions and thoughts circling my mind. I read this quote the other day and it spoke to me - and my need to live full-whole-heartedly.

“Never touch anything with half of your heart. Be present, endlessly loving and compassionate towards others. Confront any challenging situation first with a deep breath. Wander....

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The Journey

In honor of National Poetry Month - and in honor of my favorite poet, Mary Oliver.

And in honor of the path that I am on.

The Journey

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Gratitude. part dos

Last week when I wrote about making a list of what I am grateful for in this past year, a few folks asked about that list. So -- here is a portion of that list, in no particular order (the numbers are there just because I like lists, not because of priority).

38 things I am grateful for:

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I am not a fan of making resolutions at New Year’s. Maybe it is because I think that the new year should either be the solstice, or my birthday. Or maybe it is because it just seems like kind of a fake holiday – I mean, who says that it should be a 365 day year? What marks December 31st as the end of the year? Or maybe it is just because I am not a joiner – so I’ve never liked doing what everyone else is doing.

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sleeping through a storm

There's a story we sometimes tell on Outward Bound courses about sleeping through a storm. It's a story about a farmer and how this farmer is able to sleep through a storm because she does everything right the first time, she prepares for the oncoming storm by being ready. And it is a good story for teenagers -- to help them to think about planning ahead and not being reactive.

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For 13 months I lived out of my backpack or out of a suitcase or out of the back of my car. I never slept in one place longer than a night – two nights. Except for 5 or so weeks on an air mattress while I tried to figure my life out or two weeks in Huaraz or three weeks in Patan. I moved, ate out, people watched, followed my whims.

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