This fucking year….

So, here we are – the end of 2016. And what a year it was.
It sucked right!?
I mean, cosmically it sucked. Politically it sucked. And personally it was roooouuuuggggghhhhhh.
But, here we all are (except, well, for the gazillions who died this year)…. we made it and 2017 _is_ going to be better, right?! right…..
In looking back over the year, mostly I wanted to put it all behind me, but there were some good pictures.
And, ok, so some people are bold enough to choose (only) 12 pictures to represent their year… I’m not that good. (I mean, look, I haven’t posted since May, clearly, I’m not that good).
But here are 12 events that shaped my year…
1. Riding my fatbike in NYC
2. A little love (and loss)
And then there was another man…. but thankfully no pictures of us. Same story. Same bad tune.
(2017 – where are those brilliant men who are ready to show up?!)
3. A celebration of 96 years
A selfie with that guy. How awesome is that?!
4. A ridiculous ride through Arizona
5. A lot of futbol
6. A wedding in Texas

I had nothing to do with taking this picture – but it represents everything one would want at a wedding
7. Friends
These two ladies… gah! I love them!
8. Family
9. A lot of dancing
10. A fucking election
11. A lot of running
12. And a lot of smiles…. which is good to remember, because this year felt like shite.
I, like a lot of you (and by you, I mean America), are hoping for a better year. I hope it is one. I hope it is so much better – and full of love and light and justice and goodness. We all deserve that.
Great sentiment. Nice to see something positive for a change. I hope I get to share more of these things with all of you in the future! Happy New Year!