
“There must be more to life than having everything”
-Maurice Sendak
I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s — it just seems fraught with high expectations, over priced food and drink and a whole bunch of amateurs crowding the streets. And then everyone and their hermana reflects back on the past year, makes resolutions for the new year, then writes about it. Not for me. Maybe because it seems so arbitrary to me, versus the solstice, which actually is something.
But, maybe it is also because my birthday is close to the start of the new year (TODAY!), that I just wait to start my new year on the 18th. I know, so rebellious – I make my own new year.
This past year was interesting for me. It is the first time in awhile that I did not travel out of the country. I traveled for work a bit, and I did get two amazing backpacking trips in – California and Oregon. And I did get a bike and start to explore he city, which has been AWESOME. But not travel the way my soul cries out for.
Instead, it was a lot of inward journeying. Learning more about myself, learning about kindness and forgiveness and worthiness. I read more Brené Brown this year than…. well, a lot.
And so… on this start of a new year, I am setting some intentions for this year. They aren’t resolutions, they aren’t something I can break. Instead, I am dedicating my year to kindness. Kindness to myself, the people around me, the world.
I mean, don’t you think the world needs a bit more kindness?
Thanks mom!
Happy new birthday year. Feeling and being.
Thanks Lutye! Yes…. feeling and being!
thanks heather!
Lovely. You can’t go wrong with kindness. And happy birthday to you!