Living whole-hearted

As I approach the one year anniversary of coming back to the states, there is a swirl of emotions and thoughts circling my mind. I read this quote the other day and it spoke to me – and my need to live full-whole-heartedly.
“Never touch anything with half of your heart. Be present, endlessly loving and compassionate towards others. Confront any challenging situation first with a deep breath. Wander. Remember that your own happiness and comfort comes above all things. Before reacting—understand. Eat breakfast every morning. Find the faces in the flowers. Remember what is important to you. Treat your body kindly. Be honest. Get to know yourself. Take things at your own pace. Don’t feel embarrassed to feel, laugh, cry, sing or love. Remember that what’s right for someone else may not be what is right for you (and that’s okay). Never be ashamed or afraid to ask for help. Do what you love. Remember that you always have a choice. Find joy in what life really is—living.” (Author unknown)
I haven’t figured out how to do it yet, not fully, but trying to remember, trying to keep it in the forefront of my mind. Trying to live with a whole heart.
I love this.
nice reminder. i’m curious how I’ll feel after I return. ditto on not figuring it out yet. I’d say I’m about half assed right now:)
well…. I might not be far from that either….
looking forward to catching up when you get back stateside!