Gratitude. part dos

Last week when I wrote about making a list of what I am grateful for in this past year, a few folks asked about that list. So — here is a portion of that list, in no particular order (the numbers are there just because I like lists, not because of priority).
38 things I am grateful for:
1. My mom and dad for encouraging me and supporting me to follow my dreams, accepting that my path is not as straight as others. Though it hasn’t always been smooth sailing, I am ever so thankful for their inspiration, acceptance and support.
2. Katherine – my buddy in adventures. We have skied the Chic Chocs, bed down in the whites, climbed some pretty high mountains and have hiked countless number of miles together. I feel lucky to have a friend who will go on such adventures with me – and cannot wait to plan the next one!
3. My job. I do work that I care about, work that I believe makes the world a better place. Work that makes me think and pushes me to be my best self.
4. My mentors. I am lucky to have some pretty great mentors, people who are looking out for me, who have given me guidance along the way and have inspired me in my work. Thanks Steve, Julie H., Sue, Lily and Meg (among others).
5. India – for reminding me of the goodness of people and the beauty of humanity and that, ultimately, the world is a good place full of good people.
6. Hope. Ultimately, I am full of hope, even when I try to hide that hope. Hope makes us vulnerable. It makes us trust. It opens us up. Sometimes all that is scary – but as much as it scares me, I cannot deny that is who I am.
7. Climbing, trekking, skiing, backpacking, hiking, walking – being outside and active (and not hurt – unlike right now….. which I hate. I hate being hurt. oh, wait – wrong list).
8. Mountains – for keeping me dreaming.
9. My brother. We’re just under two years apart, went to the same school — all the way to college – together. Now we live on different sides of the country, but every time we get together we laugh and have fun. But, can’t leave out my other brother who is much younger, but is well on his way to leading an interesting life himself.
10. My bestest girlfriends. I am beyond lucky that I have an amazing group of girl friends. Yogatara, Jessica, heather, susan, cynthia, tracy, smak, cara, meggy, jessica. These women make me laugh, feed my soul, listen to me complain, let me cry on their shoulders and tell me to shut up when I need to hear that.
11. Bucket lists. Biking around the world? Climbing a mountain over 20,000 feet? Living in another country? Becoming fluent in spanish? Being in Thailand for a sky lantern festival? Trekking in remote Nepal? Yes, don’t mind if I do.
12. Laughter. The world keeps me endlessly amused. I like to laugh – often and loud. In fact, one of my students use to make fun of my laugh because it was so loud. awesome. keep it coming.
13. Books. Fiction, specifically. And lots of it.
14. Patagonia – for make me yearn for wild places. Patagonia – will you marry me?
15. Peru – for offering me lessons when I needed them. For its beautiful people, its passion, its landscape, its rich history. I might cheat on patagonia for peru.
16. The universe – what a grand, amazing world this is conspiring each and every day to remind me how great it is.
17. My journey. As unpredictable as it has been, as winding, and messy and twisty it is, what a great journey it has been.
18. Surprises and magic. Last year when I was traveling – each thing that happened, that seemed wrong and bad — ultimately it would all turn out to be ok, even great.
19. Open heart. See #6. Open heart and hope and vulnerability — all tied up. And I am ever thankful that I am on this journey to keep my heart open (with varying success along the way).
20. Wisdom. As I get older, the more wisdom I get. I have a long way to go, but it is one thing about getting older that I love.
There’s more. Another 18 on the list (whoa, that makes me feel old), but you get the idea…..
Thanks world.
Dear Aurora,
So wonderful to read your list of gratitudes . . . my heart applaudes you!
Hoping to see you this spring at DAV.
xoxo Lisa
Thanks Lisa. Hoping to see you too.
Thanks for sharing!
Sorry, but Patagonia is going to marry me! You can have Peru.
India would make it on my gratitude list as well.
Sorry, Kim – you’re too late. Me and Patagonia – we got this.