Back in South America

Hearing the Spanish soon after arrival thrilled me… it was so good to be back. Driving through the streets after our late night arrival, seeing the signs in Spanish, speaking with our driver…. so good to be back.
Four months here stole my heart. I just know I am meant to spend a lot of time here. I know that I am suppose to learn how to speak Spanish. I just know that I am meant to trek and climb more in the Andes. And so, being back here just feels right.
I am here, this time, with 13 kids and 2 teachers in tow. Or more like it, I am in tow of them! I am leading an expedition for World Challenge for the month of July here in Ecuador.
and so, needless to say, it is different this time around…. but pretty amazing to see this world that I love so much through the eyes of the students. To hear them try and express themselves, to hear them try and figure out how to get from Point A to Point B and to navigate the markets and get buses. I remember it quite well…..
We just finished a trek around Quilotoa crater – a pretty amazing crater lake. And tomorrow we return to El Chaupi, which is just south of Quito where we will gather supplies, rest up and then head out for our mountain climb on Saturday of Ruminahui (my spelling of that might be off….).
It is fun working with students again, and great to be sharing with them a place I love. They all are pretty awesome and we definitely laugh, a lot.
pictures and more coming soon…..
This time; very different indeed. Happy to hear about the laughter. Thanks for the update!
Wow, this is a surprise! I hope you get to Cotacachi. I visited a wonderful volcanic lake that still bubbles, but it is not hot. There are two islands and boat tours on weekends. It is called: “Cuicocha (kucha = lake) is a 3 km (2 mi) wide caldera and crater lake at the foot of Cotacachi Volcano in the Cordillera Occidental of the Ecuadorian Andes.” Hope you get there. Hope you get to see it.
How lucky they are to have a teach like you. Enjoy!