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Plans are meant to broken…. or something like that

I knew I had a short time in Vietnam, so I asked around — where should I go, what should I do?  Following a lot of questions and a lot of research, I had a general plan of 2 days in the Mekong Delta, 2 days in Dalat, a few days on the beach and then Hoi An.  Everyone recommended Hoi An.  Great — sign me up!  It seemed that it was do-able, though I would have to be careful about getting back to HCMC for my flight — but no worries.

Then, a few months later, I got great news that my friend Chloe was also going to join me in Vietnam – so I shared with her my plans.  It turned out that we would overlap by a week – so emails went back and forth, trying to make plans and confirm itineraries.  Which… turns out, is not so easy.

Long story short, we spent a lot of time together trying to figure out how to make our plans work for each of our schedules, needs, budgets, wants, etc.  It turns out that they could not mesh.  So — I am not going to Hoi An.  Instead, I have come to Quy Nhon, another beach town, though less touristy.  And then I will go to Dalat and then head back to HCMC for my 28 hour flight.  And Chloe?  She has headed north – she is going to Hoi An.

It was tough and frustrating trying to figure it all out. I’ll be honest, I have gotten use to planning on my own.  And I also am use to the ease of getting around – India made it all so easy – why is the rest of the world not like that?  I was bummed we had to split ways, as I was glad to have a travel companion.    But, at the same time, I am continuously given the lesson that I need to be flexible with my plans.  That I need to be patient and flexible, creative and willing to see the good in no matter what happens.  I guess until I have that lesson figured out – I will keep getting ample opportunities to learn it.

chloe and i on the beach, Nha Trang, before heading separate ways

So, here is to unexpected adventures, trying to keep an open mind,and (re)learning to be patient and flexible.

Reflecting back, looking forward

Happy new year friends.

Nha Trang beach, where I brought in the new year

I have never been a huge fan of new year’s — seeing as it seems so artificial (why is this the new year?  being an east coaster, in the dead of winter, it is hard to feel like it is a new year) and it always carries such high expectations, which never seem to pan out exactly the way you hope.  Though, I do like the idea of making resolutions — or at least reflecting on your life in the past year and looking forward.

For me, this past year has been tremendous – from making the leap to buying my ticket, to planning this journey to setting into motion all the small things that got me here.  I am a planner – I love the work that leads up to the big event – so this year was great for me.  And then — I left and started the journey.  There were some hard moments, for sure, but thinking back on the past four months, I marvel on my growth, my perspective and how grateful I am.

reclining buddha at the pagoda in Nha Trang

I knew it would be good.  But — was it going to be one of those type 2 fun things?  You know, the things that are fun after the fact?  Or would it actually be fun in the moment.  I guess I have to say that there is both types of fun.  But – what has surprised me – is just how good it is.  Just how much I don’t want it to end.  Just how much I want to keep journeying and seeing and experiencing and meeting and …. living.

So – this past year has been about opening up – embracing the world and all of its amazingness.  And its messiness.  And its craziness.

So – this upcoming year?

Well, more of the same, right?  More living and experiencing.  More rambling and exploring, climbing and peak bagging, breathing deep and sitting quietly (thanks Ed Abbey).  But, to tell you the truth friends, i am feeling a little sad.  Because I know it will come to an end.  That this year it ends.  That my journey will end and I go back to my life before.  But, it won’t be the same, will it?  My world is so much bigger now.

boats in the harbor outside of Nha Trang

Last year, a friend suggested making some intentions for the new year around 3 different focuses (foci?) – personal, professional and health (or something like that).  Following an early morning run on the beach, I sat with coffee and thought about my intentions for this upcoming year.  I reflected on where I have traveled, and thought ahead to where I am going.  I definitely do not have it all figured out, but I also know that I have much more clarity than ever before.

Thank you friends, for being with me on this journey, for giving me courage when I was missing it, for celebrating my successes and reaching out when I was lonely.  I am so excited to share the next 4 and a half or 5 months with you (see — i am sad.  that seems so short!).  I am so grateful for you all.

How did you bring in your new year?

Buddha, overlooking the city